Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Misinformation and Outright Bigotry"

I'm pretty darn thankful everyday that the views expressed by The Dove Outreach Center in Gainsville, Florida are those of a comparatively minute fringe. While these attention getters are only around to push some misinformed point of view, at least the religious moderates are distancing the beautiful religions they represent from these intolerant zealots.

September 11th will come to define more than this Nation's strength and perseverance. It will come to define how we, as a Nation, accept and incorporate Islam into our own intricate culture. It has been a long process thus far and the reality is we still have a ways to go, but this nation is no stranger to the process of assimilation. We're a strong and resilient country that is fundamentally composed of different and varying cultures, perspectives, ideas and people. Islam, nor any other religion or culture should be an exception.

Update: The Vatican has formally released a statement on the planned Quran burning event saying it is an "outrageous and grave gesture."
As always, I am very thankful those burning the Quran are a very VERY small fringe.

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